Monday, June 16, 2014

Pizza Tossing Finals Winner at Pizza Expo: Justin Wadstein,

Pizza Expo hosted the World Pizza Games this year in Las Vegas. The competition was fierce. There was a United Nations of contenders for the title, in the Pizza Tossing finals.

The crowd added to the energy being displayed by the contestants. There was pizza juggling, over the back, under the legs pizza throwing and more. With each contestant the crowd roared their approval. The contestants were able to take their pizza acrobatics to new levels.

In the end, Justin Wadstien of Pizza My Heart was able to narrowly defeat the contenders. This was a close contest. To close.

Justin Wadstein, Pizza My Heart won the finals at Pizza Expo in Las Vegas in 2014. Justin used finesse and talent to win.

Justin was exhausted in the end and barely able to finish his routine. What an incredible show of pizza acrobatic skills!

For more incredible Pizza Videos, Check out the Pizza Therapy Pizza Channel on YouTube.

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