
Monday, July 12, 2010

The Reusable Pizza Box Interview

Hybrid Pizza Box

You can listen to an interview with Mike Sudia of DMS Innovation. Mike was frustrated with the billions of used pizza boxes thrown away each year.

As a result, Mike invented the reusable pizza box.

What is a reusable pizza box? Here is the answer from DMS Innovation:
"The Hybrid Pizza Box, HPB, is used for take-out or delivery of pizza by customers.
Not only reduce your carbon footprint -but get a better quality pizza?
YES - A reusable box can eliminate over 125 pounds of one-time use cardboard over its life and 100% recyclable at "end-of-life".
Our line of multi-use boxes are all made in the U.S.A.
The Hybrid Pizza Box has similar heat retention qualities to a traditional cardboard box without the disposal hassle."

Mike explains:

•Why he invented the hybrid pizza box

•The 7 steps that cardboard boxes go through leaving a large carbon footprint

•Why card board pizza boxes cannot be recycled or composted

•How hybrid pizza box can be used over 1.000 times

•How have consumers reacted to this pizza box

•His first invention the "batting buddy"

You can listen to the entire interview (or download it )
at this link:

The Reusable Pizza Box Interview at Pizza Therapy

Reusable pizza boxes on earth,

Albert Grande
The Pizza Promoter

Here is one way to recycle: