
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Searching Google for the Best Pizza in the World from

I was doing a little pizza research recently. So, I decided to search the Internet for the best pizza.

I immediately went to my favorite search engine (Google) and typed in: "best pizza".

I was somewhat amazed at the #1 result of over 65,000,000 websites.
There in the #1 spot was Pizza Therapy.

Then I thought I would look for the best pizza in the United States. My next search was for:
"the best pizza in the east".

Again at the #1 spot out of 1,600,000 sites was:
Pizza Therapy.

My next search was for
"best pizza in the central US".
At #1 in the search results out of 2,580,000 sites was once more:
Pizza Therapy.

Then I decided to search for the "best pizza in the west US". Out of 1,290,000 sites, Pizza Therapy.again came out on top.

Hmm. I'm starting to see a pattern here.

I figured I might as well try to find the "best international pizza" so I typed that in the search box.

Out of 2,560,000 sites the number 1 spot again belonged to Pizza Therapy.

My last search was for "the best pizza in the world". I typed the phrase in and the results were conclusive:

Out of 5,300,000 sites (five million three hundred thousand) the first and second place in the listing was, (you guessed it), Pizza Therapy.

You can't argue with results like that. If you are looking for the best pizza, not the worst pizza, there really is only one website to go to:
Pizza Therapy.

I was so flabergasted, I decided to record my research and make a video.

(Sidebar: No pizza websites or pizza blogs were harmed during the creation of this video.)

Here is the result:

pizza on earth, good will to all!

Albert Grande
The Pizza Promoter

Here is one of my favorite Pizza Books of all time, American Pie: My Search for the Perfect Pizza:

And if you look inside, you'll discover Peter Reinhart talking about one of his favorite pizza websites, Pizza Therapy.


  1. Hey Albert, Here's a great pizza song;

  2. Hey dburns, I'm loving that Pizza Pie!
    What an incredible song! Wow, can I buy the rights to that!
    pizza on earth,

    The Pizza Promoter
    And The Pizza Therapy Digital Store
